Wednesday, January 12, 2011

At this moment...

1. I'm eating a tasty tuna sandwich (with Doritos of course)
2. Forrest Gump is playing on my t.v.
3. E is in Telluride flipping Ralph Lauren's rugs over or somethin
4. Dexter is fast asleep on the couch, pooped from his day at Camp Bow-Wow
5. My black shirt is covered in dog hair
6. The dishes in the sink are screaming my name 
7. I'm soooooo sleepy.
8. I just got a picture text from a random number of my mom's toe poking out of what looks like fish net stockings. All that it says is - ''Your mom's toe''.

um wtf? haha

- me

1 comment:

IfiHadaHammer said...

Let the dishes sit, take a nap, and then go buy our mom some new fishnets!